OPLObjectFile** LOC::M:\OPL\WILLY.OPL ~~~~~~ 777777TTTTTT willy.ODB \OPD\ OPLN$ REST% NBLEV% OLEV% SCDE% REGT% REGTM% AINIT DRAWSC SHWRE \app\willy\screens.opoO File not found \app\willy\screens.opo \app\willy\screens.opoO Registered version for \app\willy\willy.picO \app\willy\willy.picO Normal, Nov. Normal, Beg. Normal, Med. Normal, Exp. Random, Nov. Random, Beg. Random, Med. Random, Exp. Pract., Nov. Pract., Beg. Pract., Med. Pract., Exp. M:\opd\willy.defW M:\opd\willy.defO Didier WILLY, 1994 Didier Pirottin Player name : Sound :+ On,Off Difficulty :+ Novice,Beginner,Medium,Expert Mode :+ Normal,Random,Practice M:\opd\willy.savW ExitO Rest. gameO + PlayO ExitO PlayO [ O @[ M:\opd\willy.savW M:\opd\willy.savO M:\opd\willy.sav ] D[1 WILLY Bad Willy.sav FileO WILLY +$File not found on the internal disk:O M:\opd\willy.savO (0u|RO M:\opd\willy.def( [ O D[ Practice Mode LevelO [ O D\[ WILLY 1994 Pirottin JPMX% DONE% CLES% NBCLES% TOMY% TOSY% TOTY% TOCM% OLEV% rinit MORT% STAT% DTIME EVENT RDEADF% RDEAD% REGT% REGTM% JPMX% DONE% ROIM% RPMX% MOIM% MOMX% MOMY% MOFY% MOTY% APCA% APCD% TOCM% TOTY% TOMY% TOSY% CLES% NBCLES% NBLEV% OLEV% REST% If you like this game, Please consider registering! O 8\`[\ O @`[ *arrow.wveO O |RO O |RO *act.wveO *cle.wveO + *time.wveO On|:[ *magic.wveO + *door.wveO +5This game is shareware. If you continue to use WILLY, +6you must register (this will disable all nag screens). +5To register send UKP 10 (or equivalent in cash in any +4major currencies) *and* a self adressed envelope (or +5better, your E-mail address) to the following adress: Pirottin Didier Rue des Beguines 5 + 4600 Vis Belgium +.When you have your registration code, you just +.have to enter it: press Psion-G during a game. +/This will create a file Willy.reg in your \opd\ +.directory on the internal disk. This will also disable all nag screens... O#O#( +.If you have email, please send me your adress, +5so I can send you new Willy's adventures when ready! +3All comments and bug reports are also very welcome. +,Send email to: pirottin@montefiore.ulg.ac.be About WILLY +6Willy is written by Didier Pirottin and is distributedO +:as shareware. This is version 1.0, if you have any commentO +